About Me

I’m the sort of person that enjoys Film and Music to a huge extent and always have been, except for when I was 15 and wanted to be a Marine Biologist. When that didn’t quite pan out, I decided to do more creative things with my time instead. After taking Film and Media at college, I went on to do a 3 year Screenwriting degree, which furthered my knowledge of the way that scripts are structured and how to also write more creatively in many different areas other than scripts.

I recently completed an internship at a small production company in Los Angeles, California. Whilst there, I was working on a production for a new style of Customer Service teaching packages for large companies, which would include a fully scripted DVD to re-enforce the coaching involved in the package. After completing the placement, I decided to continue along my path of creative writing and putting my own spin on the things that I enjoy the most. I find that it keeps me interested in writing and at the same time I manage to put all the crazy thoughts I have in my head into words, so they’re not knocking about in my brain for too long.

Films and Music are pretty much my bread and butter. Ask any of my friends, they’ll tell you the same. I’m always interested in finding out about new and interesting bands, and I’m normally considering which album I’m going to buy next before I’ve listened to the one I just got. But Films are also my lifeblood, as they always have been, and I’m always finding out about future releases of films that I’ll be making sure I’ll be watching upon release. I have written scripts during my time at University, as well as after University, but due to the film industry being inundated with new writers every day, I decided to focus my efforts into writing in my own style of journalism instead. As such, most of my creative writing is focussed into writing articles, reviews, previews, interviews and, above all, my own views of all aspects of the Film and Music industries.

Aside from my creative writing of Music and Film, I enjoy reading a lot of fiction material (mostly in comic book format. There’s no denying it, I do love comics!), writing songs and music with my friends, enjoying a lot of home-cooked food, going scuba diving (because that Marine Biologist career does still linger…), and getting unusually excited about how long it is until Halloween.

My eventual aim is to end up doing something I love and getting paid loads of cash to do it. But since hardly anyone is that lucky, between the two I’d rather do something I love since life’s too short to be miserable but have lots of money because of it. Since Music, Film and Creative Writing are the things I enjoy being part of the most, I’ll be happy when I end up involved in them as a career. And that’s me.


  1. Haha your family is technophobic too? Same! What type/genre of music are you into? I might have some bands you might like, if you havnt already heard of them! Love the picture by the way, the Joker is awesome! Candice 🙂

    • Well, not so much technophobic, as that I’m the one who normally ends up flicking the switch or pushing the button that fixes it! The music that I like is pretty much a lot of the stuff that I post reviews of here, so if you have heard them then great, but if not then check out the bands I’ve reviewed, especially if they’re local ones! And thanks, but that might be coming down soon – keeping up the “professional” vibe and stuff.

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